Greater Memphis Soccer Association
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ABDELLATIF, OMARyellow - DissentVenezuela FC vs. Dragones FC2/25/24
ABDULHADI, ABDURAHMANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Phoenix FC4/21/24
ABUNDIS, ALEXyellow - DissentCommanders FC vs. Elite FC3/3/24
ABUNDIS, OSVALDOyellow - DissentCommanders FC vs. Elite FC3/3/24
ABUNDIS, ALEXISred - Violent ConductPhoenix FC vs. Elite FC3/28/24
 yellow - DissentElite FC vs. Alfursan FC4/28/24
ABUNDIS, OSVALDOPhoenix FC vs. Elite FC3/28/24
ABUNDIS, ALEXyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Elite FC vs. Commanders FC5/5/24
ADAWY, MOHAMMADyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Memphis Blues vs. Stank FC3/3/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)901 Ummah vs. Stank FC5/30/24
AGUILAR, ANGELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Inter Memphis vs. MMSA5/5/24
AGUIRRE, REYNALDOyellow - Entering or Leaving Field Without PermissionAlfursan FC vs. Commanders FC5/29/24
AL-WADEI, MOHAMMEDyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Inter Memphis vs. MMSA5/5/24
ALAAWAJ, JALEDyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Justice League4/25/24
 yellow - DissentMemphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/30/24
ALANIZ, JOSEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Arsenal FC5/5/24
ALCARAZ, ERICKyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Jello Shots vs. Memphis Strikers5/15/24
ALDAFARI, ARAFATred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (Dissent)Waves FC vs. MMSA2/25/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Waves FC vs. MMSA2/25/24
ALEGRIA, EDWINyellow - DissentEagles FC vs. 901 Ummah5/23/24
 yellow - DissentEagles FC vs. Dino FC5/2/24
 red - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Reckless Tackle)Eagles FC vs. 901 Ummah5/23/24
ALGARADI, MAHYOUByellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)MMSA vs. Memphis Dynamo3/28/24
ALIZO, KENNEDYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Cobra Kai FC4/14/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Dragones FC2/25/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/5/24
ALKABSH, AHMEDred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Central FC vs. 901 Ummah4/28/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Eagles FC vs. 901 Ummah5/23/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Blues vs. 901 Ummah4/21/24
ALLEN, PARKERyellow - DissentInter Memphis vs. International FC4/28/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartInternational FC vs. Waves FC5/5/24
 yellow - DissentInter Memphis vs. International FC5/30/24
ALNAJJAR, ABDULAZIZyellow - DissentInternational FC vs. MMSA4/14/24
ALSHOJA, SABERyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Inter Memphis vs. MMSA5/5/24
 yellow - DissentMMSA vs. Rage FC4/21/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)MMSA vs. Memphis Dynamo3/28/24
ALSUP, DAVIDyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Loreto FC vs. Booyas FC4/28/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Booyas FC vs. Arsenal FC3/17/24
ALTOFAILI, HADIRyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)MMSA vs. Rage FC4/21/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Diambars FC vs. MMSA3/21/24
ALTOFAILI, ALIMMSA vs. Waves FC4/28/24
 MMSA vs. Waves FC4/28/24
ALVARADO, GIOVANNIred - Violent ConductSarson FC vs. Transplants FC4/16/24
ALVARADO, GIOVANNIyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/2/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Crew FC vs. Memphis United FC5/9/24
 yellow - DissentFC Africa vs. Memphis Crew FC3/24/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Memphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/30/24
ALY, HAZEMyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Inter Memphis vs. MMSA5/5/24
ALY, MOHAMEDyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)MMSA vs. Memphis Dynamo3/28/24
ALY, HAZEMyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)MMSA vs. Inter Memphis3/3/24
ALYOUSEF, ZAIDyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Memphis Blues vs. 901 Ummah4/21/24
 red - Violent ConductStank FC vs. 901 Ummah5/5/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)901 Ummah vs. Central FC3/10/24
 red - Violent Conduct901 Ummah vs. Stank FC5/30/24
APIGIAN, JACOByellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Showboats vs. Rowdies FC4/4/24
APPLE, ANDREWMemphis Mafia FC vs. Justice League3/3/24
ARCINIEGA, ANTONIOyellow - Delaying RestartOG FC vs. Castoffs FC3/19/24
ARIAS, JOSEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Justice League4/25/24
ARIAS, JOSEred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Other Reckless Penal Foul)American United FC vs. Venezuela FC3/17/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)American United FC vs. Venezuela FC3/17/24
ARIAS, MICHAELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)FC Africa vs. Showboats5/12/24
ARIAS, MICHAELyellow - DissentOutlaws vs. Justice League5/28/24
ARRIECHE, MARCOred - Denial Of Obvious Goal-Scoring Opportunity (Infringement)Rowdies FC vs. Memphis Crew FC3/7/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Crew FC vs. Memphis United FC5/9/24
ARRIETA, JAIROyellow - DissentCentral FC vs. Eagles FC5/30/24
 yellow - DissentEagles FC vs. 901 Ummah5/23/24
 yellow - DissentCentral FC vs. Eagles FC4/21/24
AYESH, OBAYred - Violent ConductAlfursan FC vs. Elite FC2/25/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartCommanders FC vs. Alfursan FC3/24/24
AYESH, NASERyellow - Persistent InfringementCommanders FC vs. Alfursan FC3/24/24
 red - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Commanders FC5/29/24
 yellow - DissentAlfursan FC vs. Elite FC2/25/24
AYESH, OBAYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Arsenal FC5/5/24
AYESH, NASERyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Commanders FC5/29/24
 red - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Loreto FC4/14/24
 red - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Elite FC2/25/24
AYESH, OBAYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Phoenix FC4/21/24
AYESH, NASERyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Loreto FC4/14/24
BA, MAMADOUyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Diambars FC vs. MMSA3/21/24
BAGWELL, JOSEPHred - Denial Of Obvious Goal-Scoring Opportunity (Handling)Rogues vs. FC Africa4/14/24
BAHERU, EPHRAIMred - Violent ConductInternational FC vs. Inter Memphis2/25/24
BALLARD, JOSHUAyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Central FC vs. Eagles FC5/30/24
 yellow - DissentCentral FC vs. Eagles FC4/21/24
BEDA, NATHANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)CFC vs. Rowdies FC3/28/24
BEIDL, LOGANred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (Dissent)Justice League vs. American United FC4/7/24
 yellow - DissentJustice League vs. American United FC4/7/24
BENSON, ROBERTyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Memphis Mafia FC vs. Warriors FC4/28/24
BERGK, JANyellow - DissentSarson FC vs. Transplants FC4/16/24
BERGK, JANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/2/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Showboats vs. Memphis Crew FC3/21/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Memphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/30/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Rowdies FC vs. Memphis Crew FC3/7/24
BERMUDEZ, ENRIQUEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Memphis United FC vs. Showboats4/14/24
BERMUDEZ, ALFREDOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Arsenal FC vs. Commanders FC2/25/24
BERRA, NICHOLASyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Memphis Blues vs. 901 Ummah4/21/24
 red - 2nd Cautionable Offense (Dissent)Dino FC vs. Memphis Blues5/9/24
 yellow - DissentDino FC vs. Memphis Blues5/9/24
 Memphis Blues vs. Central FC3/24/24
BESTMAN, BENyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Memphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/30/24
 yellow - DissentRogues vs. FC Africa4/14/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/2/24
 yellow - DissentFC Africa vs. Memphis Crew FC3/24/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Showboats vs. FC Africa6/2/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)FC Africa vs. Showboats5/12/24
BININI, OMARyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Eagles FC vs. 901 Ummah5/23/24
BLACKARD, ANDREWyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)The Great Impact FC vs. Memphis Mafia FC4/7/24
BOBAI, PAULyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis United FC vs. FC Africa4/21/24
BOBBITT, CHASEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)CFC vs. Rogues5/5/24
BRAVO, JEREMIASyellow - Delaying RestartJoga Bonito vs. The Great Impact FC3/24/24
BRAY, MARKyellow - DissentJello Shots vs. Memphis Strikers5/15/24
BRAY, MARKyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)CFC vs. Showboats4/28/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)CFC vs. Rogues5/5/24
BREUER, JENSred - Serious Foul PlayTransplants FC vs. Nuggets6/4/24
BRINKLEY, THOMASyellow - Entering or Leaving Field Without PermissionAlfursan FC vs. Commanders FC5/29/24
BROWN, TRAVISRovers FC vs. AEFC Coed2/28/24
BROWN, WESLEYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Blues vs. Central FC3/24/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Dino FC vs. Central FC3/7/24
BUI, TUANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)AEFC vs. Elite FC3/17/24
BURANA, GREGORYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)VFC Spurs vs. FCAR U725/13/24
BURGER, BRADLEYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/30/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/5/24
BURHUM, JAWADred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Other Than Listed)Rage FC vs. Inter Memphis3/17/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Rage FC vs. Inter Memphis3/17/24
BURNS, CONNORyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Blues vs. Stank FC3/3/24
BURNS, CONNORyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Outlaws vs. Justice League5/28/24
BURNS, CONNORred - Violent ConductStank FC vs. 901 Ummah5/5/24
BURNS, ANDREWyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Outlaws vs. Justice League Coed3/5/24
BURNS, CONNORyellow - Persistent InfringementEagles FC vs. Stank FC3/10/24
CALDWELL, GRANTyellow - DissentFC Africa vs. Showboats5/12/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Showboats vs. Rowdies FC4/4/24
CALERO, JOSUEyellow - DissentCommanders FC vs. Loreto FC4/21/24
CAMACHO, REYNALDOyellow - Delaying RestartVenezuela FC vs. Cobra Kai FC4/14/24
CAMARA, BIGNEyellow - DissentInter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 4/21/24
CANALES, DORIANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)901 Ummah vs. Dino FC2/29/24
CANELO, CARLOSred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (Dissent)South American Blues vs. DeSoto United 354/1/24
 South American Blues vs. DeSoto United 354/1/24
CANTELE, HECTORyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)CFC vs. Memphis United FC5/12/24
CANTU, JUANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)American United FC vs. Dragones FC3/28/24
CANUP, TYLERyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)901 Ummah vs. Central FC3/10/24
CARMONA, JULIOyellow - DissentJoga Bonito vs. Memphis Mafia FC2/25/24
CARRUEGO, CHRISTIANyellow - DissentEagles FC vs. Dino FC5/2/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Eagles FC vs. Central FC3/17/24
CASTIGLIONE, SALVATOREyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Mongo For Mayor vs. Memphis Dynamo5/2/24
CASTILLO, VICTORyellow - DissentFC Africa vs. Showboats5/12/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Showboats vs. FC Africa6/2/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Showboats vs. CFC2/25/24
CASTOR, JASONyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Booyas FC vs. Loreto FC5/29/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Phoenix FC5/9/24
 yellow - DissentCommanders FC vs. Loreto FC4/21/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Loreto FC vs. AEFC3/3/24
CASTRILLON, JUANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Memphis Beat4/21/24
CASTRO, SAMUELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)901 Ummah vs. Central FC3/10/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)901 Ummah vs. Dino FC2/29/24
CAUGHRON, DAVIDyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Memphis United FC vs. Rogues4/28/24
CAUGHRON, BRADENyellow - DissentMemphis United FC vs. FC Africa4/21/24
CHAPMAN, AUSTINyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/30/24
CHASTEEN, CHASEyellow - DissentOutlaws vs. Justice League5/28/24
CHASTEEN, CHASEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Memphis Blues vs. Stank FC3/3/24
CHAVES, OSCARyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Diambars FC vs. Memphis Dynamo5/16/24
CHERAMIE, MARTINred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (Dissent)CFC vs. Memphis Crew FC4/21/24
 yellow - DissentCFC vs. Memphis Crew FC4/21/24
CHINAS LOPEZ, ALEJANDROyellow - Delaying RestartTransplants FC vs. Nuggets6/4/24
CISNEROS, IGNACIOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Justice League4/25/24
CLAUDE, JEANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)American United FC vs. The Great Impact FC2/25/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)American United FC vs. Venezuela FC3/17/24
CONARD, RYANyellow - Delaying RestartStank FC vs. Dino FC4/18/24
CONTRERAS, EMMANUELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Arsenal FC3/24/24
CONTRERAS, JOSEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Booyas FC vs. Arsenal FC3/17/24
CONTRERAS, JOELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Commanders FC6/2/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Commanders FC3/17/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Arsenal FC3/24/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Phoenix FC5/9/24
CORREA, JULIOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Arsenal FC vs. Commanders FC2/25/24
CORREA, EDGARyellow - DissentCommanders FC vs. Elite FC3/3/24
CORREA, RUBENyellow - Delaying RestartElite FC vs. Commanders FC5/5/24
CORREA, RAFAELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Arsenal FC vs. Commanders FC2/25/24
 red - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Reckless Tackle)Commanders FC vs. Elite FC3/3/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Loreto FC vs. Commanders FC3/17/24
CORREA, EDGARyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Commanders FC5/29/24
CORREA, JULIOCommanders FC vs. Arsenal FC4/28/24
CORREA, RAFAELyellow - DissentCommanders FC vs. Elite FC3/3/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Commanders FC vs. Alfursan FC3/24/24
 yellow - DissentAlfursan FC vs. Commanders FC5/29/24
 Commanders FC vs. Arsenal FC4/28/24
CORREA, JULIOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Commanders FC6/2/24
CORREA, CHRISTIANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Commanders FC vs. Elite FC3/3/24
CORREA, RAFAELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Elite FC vs. Commanders FC5/5/24
COSTIGAN, KYLEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/5/24
COWAN, ROBBYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Rage FC vs. International FC4/7/24
CRABTREE, NOAHMMSA vs. Waves FC4/28/24
 MMSA vs. Waves FC4/28/24
 yellow - DissentWaves FC vs. Rage FC4/14/24
CROCKARELL, JACKSONyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Rowdies FC vs. Rogues3/3/24
CULLEY, ANDREWyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Central FC vs. Memphis Blues5/5/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)901 Ummah vs. Central FC3/10/24
CULPEPPER, JARREDyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Mongo For Mayor vs. Rage FC3/24/24
CURRY, CARLOSThe Great Impact FC vs. American United FC5/5/24
 yellow - DissentCobra Kai FC vs. American United FC5/9/24
DAFFERN, JACOByellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/5/24
DALEHITE, DREWyellow - DissentCentral FC vs. 901 Ummah4/28/24
DALTO, DANIELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)East End FC vs. Justice League Coed5/14/24
DANIELS, BARRETTyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)OG FC vs. Hydra FC5/28/24
 red - 2nd Cautionable Offense (Dissent)OG FC vs. Hydra FC5/28/24
DAUGS, RHIANNONyellow - DissentJello Shots vs. Nuggets4/24/24
DAY, JOSHUAPink Ninjas vs. Outsiders FC4/2/24
DE CANDIDO, ANGELOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)American United FC vs. Venezuela FC3/17/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)Memphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/30/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Justice League4/25/24
DEMPSEY, ADAMyellow - DissentMemphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/5/24
DIA, AMADOUyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)FC Africa vs. Rowdies FC4/25/24
DIA, MAMADOUyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Inter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 4/21/24
DIA, THIERNOyellow - DissentFC Africa vs. CFC3/3/24
DIALLO, AMIROUyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Memphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/2/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartFC Africa vs. Showboats5/12/24
DIALLO, AMIROUyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Transplants FC vs. Nuggets6/4/24
DIALLO, AMIROUyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/30/24
DIENG, DAOUDAyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)International FC vs. Diambars FC 3/24/24
DIOP, THIERNOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)FC Africa vs. Memphis Crew FC3/24/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartFC Africa vs. CFC3/3/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis United FC vs. FC Africa4/21/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/30/24
DJIGO, BABACARyellow - DissentDiambars FC vs. Mongo For Mayor5/12/24
DOMINGUEZ, OSCARyellow - DissentMemphis Dynamo vs. Mongo For Mayor3/7/24
DOMINGUEZ, JOSUANIyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Diambars FC vs. Memphis Dynamo5/16/24
DORDEVIC, DORDEyellow - DissentFC Africa vs. Memphis Crew FC3/24/24
 yellow - DissentMemphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/30/24
 yellow - DissentMemphis Crew FC vs. Memphis United FC5/9/24
DUNCANSON, ROBERTyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)The Great Impact FC vs. Memphis Mafia FC4/7/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Joga Bonito vs. Memphis Mafia FC2/25/24
DUNCANSON, ROBERTyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Outlaws vs. Happy FC3/26/24
DYER, GREGyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Transplants FC vs. Nuggets5/22/24
EDWARDS, JACKyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)CFC vs. Rowdies FC3/28/24
EORDOGH, ESTEBANred - Foul or Abusive LanguageMemphis Strikers vs. Transplants FC5/8/24
ESCOBAR, PATRICKyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Phoenix FC5/9/24
ESQUIVEL, ZAIDyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)901 Ummah vs. Eagles FC3/3/24
EVANS, STEVEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Outlaws vs. Justice League Coed3/5/24
EVERITT, JAYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)AEFC Coed vs. Steamers FC4/2/24
FAUGHNAN, BRIANyellow - DissentRovers FC vs. Castoffs FC4/3/24
FEENEY, IAINThe Great Impact FC vs. American United FC5/5/24
 yellow - DissentCobra Kai FC vs. American United FC5/9/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)American United FC vs. Dragones FC3/28/24
FELICIEN, NDIZEYEred - Violent ConductAlfursan FC vs. Elite FC2/25/24
 red - Foul or Abusive LanguageElite FC vs. Commanders FC5/5/24
FERREIRA, BERNARDOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)FC Africa vs. Memphis Crew FC3/24/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)CFC vs. Memphis Crew FC4/21/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Memphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/2/24
FLORES, MANUELyellow - DissentMemphis Dynamo vs. International FC3/21/24
FLORES, ANDERSONyellow - Delaying Restart901 Ummah vs. Eagles FC6/2/24
FLORES, OSCARMMSA vs. Waves FC4/28/24
FLORES, MANUELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Dynamo vs. Mongo For Mayor3/7/24
FLORES, OSCARMMSA vs. Waves FC4/28/24
FLORES, MANUELMemphis Dynamo vs. Inter Memphis4/4/24
 red - 2nd Cautionable Offense (Dissent)Memphis Dynamo vs. International FC3/21/24
FRANKLIN, MARKyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)FCAR U72 vs. Business Casual AC5/6/24
FUENMAYOR, VICTORMemphis Mafia FC vs. Venezuela FC3/24/24
 yellow - DissentVenezuela FC vs. Memphis Beat4/21/24
FURNAS, EVERETTyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis United FC vs. FC Africa4/21/24
FUSON, LYDIAyellow - DissentRovers FC vs. Castoffs FC5/28/24
GALIZZI, MAXIMILIANOyellow - Delaying RestartShowboats vs. Rowdies FC4/4/24
GARCIA, GEOVANNIyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)FC Africa vs. Memphis Crew FC3/24/24
GARDEA, CHRISTOPHERyellow - DissentShowboats vs. Rowdies FC4/4/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)FC Africa vs. Showboats5/12/24
GASPAR, GERARDOyellow - DissentElite FC vs. Commanders FC5/5/24
GELAYE, DAWITyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)International FC vs. MMSA4/14/24
GHAWJI, TAREKyellow - DissentInter Memphis vs. International FC4/28/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)Rage FC vs. International FC4/7/24
 red - Foul or Abusive LanguageInter Memphis vs. International FC4/28/24
GILBERT, NORMANyellow - DissentCastoffs FC vs. OG FC4/23/24
GILMAN, THOMASyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Outlaws vs. East End FC4/2/24
GILMORE, SARAHyellow - DissentRovers FC vs. Castoffs FC4/3/24
GLOVER, JUSTINyellow - DissentAlfursan FC vs. Elite FC2/25/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Elite FC vs. Alfursan FC4/28/24
 yellow - DissentElite FC vs. Booyas FC4/14/24
 yellow - DissentCommanders FC vs. Elite FC3/3/24
GODOY, RICARDOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Booyas FC vs. Phoenix FC3/7/24
GOFF, DWAYNEyellow - DissentMemphis Blues vs. 901 Ummah4/21/24
GONZALEZ, JOSUEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)East End FC vs. Justice League Coed5/14/24
GONZALEZ, FRANCISCOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Justice League Coed vs. Happy FC4/3/24
GONZALEZ, AGUSTINyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Alfursan FC vs. Arsenal FC5/5/24
GONZALEZ, JOSUEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Justice League vs. Cobra Kai FC4/21/24
GREER, JARVISyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Showboats vs. FC Africa6/2/24
GUERRERO, JOSEyellow - DissentCommanders FC vs. Elite FC3/3/24
GUEYE, MAME IBRAHIMAyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Inter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 4/21/24
 red - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Reckless Tackle)Inter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 6/2/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Inter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 6/2/24
GUZMAN, ROGERyellow - Delaying RestartCommanders FC vs. Alfursan FC3/24/24
HAJJEH, MUHAMMADyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)Alfursan FC vs. Elite FC2/25/24
 Commanders FC vs. Alfursan FC3/24/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Commanders FC vs. Alfursan FC3/24/24
HALIM, OMARyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)901 Ummah vs. Memphis Blues3/17/24
HALIM, YUSUFyellow - DissentEagles FC vs. 901 Ummah5/23/24
HARRELL, ANTHONYred - Denial Of Obvious Goal-Scoring Opportunity (Infringement)Dragones FC vs. Joga Bonito4/21/24
HATANGIMANA, FRENKyellow - DissentFC Africa vs. Showboats5/12/24
HEINE, RYANyellow - DissentRovers FC vs. Steamers FC4/24/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)AEFC Coed vs. Steamers FC4/2/24
HENTON, ANDREWyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Rage FC vs. International FC4/7/24
HERNANDEZ, MIGUELred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (Dissent)Memphis Dynamo vs. Rage FC4/25/24
 yellow - DissentMemphis Dynamo vs. Mongo For Mayor3/7/24
HERNANDEZ, OSVINyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)American United FC vs. The Great Impact FC2/25/24
HERNANDEZ, LEONARDOyellow - DissentMemphis Blues vs. Dino FC4/25/24
HERNANDEZ, MANUELyellow - DissentDiambars FC vs. Memphis Dynamo5/16/24
HERNANDEZ, MARCOyellow - DissentMongo For Mayor vs. Memphis Dynamo5/2/24
HERNANDEZ, MIGUELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Memphis Dynamo vs. International FC3/21/24
HERNANDEZ, ROLAIyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)Diambars FC vs. Memphis Dynamo5/16/24
HERNANDEZ, MIGUELyellow - Delaying RestartMemphis Dynamo vs. Rage FC4/25/24
HERNANDEZ, CARLOSyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Dragones FC2/25/24
HERRERA, MAVERICKyellow - Delaying RestartWarriors FC vs. Justice League3/24/24
HERRERA, CRISTIANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)American United FC vs. The Great Impact FC2/25/24
HICKS, JOSEPHyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Nuggets vs. Jello Shots3/19/24
HIGUERA, RAULyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)OG FC vs. Hydra FC5/28/24
HIGUERA, RAULyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)FC Africa vs. Rowdies FC4/25/24
HRVOICH, DANIELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Stank FC vs. Dino FC4/18/24
IBARRA, EDGARyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Warriors FC vs. Justice League3/24/24
IBARRA, RODRIGOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Outlaws vs. Justice League5/28/24
IBARRA, EDGARyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Justice League vs. American United FC4/7/24
IBRAHIM, MAHMODyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Arsenal FC5/5/24
IRAR, QOSSAYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Arsenal FC5/5/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartCommanders FC vs. Alfursan FC3/24/24
ITAYEM, BASEMyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)901 Ummah vs. Stank FC5/30/24
JEFFERYS, ISAACyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Memphis Beat vs. American United FC3/3/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Cobra Kai FC vs. American United FC5/9/24
JERNIGAN, VINOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Phoenix FC4/21/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)Loreto FC vs. Phoenix FC5/9/24
JESTER, REXyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)International FC vs. Waves FC5/5/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Dynamo vs. International FC3/21/24
JIKONG, YUNWIyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis United FC vs. Showboats4/14/24
 yellow - EncroachmentShowboats vs. Memphis United FC5/30/24
JIKONG, SHALOMyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis United FC vs. Showboats4/14/24
JIMENEZ, ESTUARDOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Cobra Kai FC vs. American United FC5/9/24
JOHNSON, HAYDENyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Memphis Mafia FC vs. Venezuela FC3/24/24
JONAH, ETHANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/30/24
JOUB, JOHNyellow - DissentInter Memphis vs. Waves FC3/24/24
KEENE, DANIELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Cobra Kai FC vs. American United FC5/9/24
KING LI, VERNONyellow - DissentMemphis Beat vs. American United FC3/3/24
LAFAVER, AIDANyellow - DissentInter Memphis vs. International FC4/28/24
LAGOS, JAMESSouth American Blues vs. DeSoto United 354/1/24
LE, JOHNred - Serious Foul PlayAEFC 35 vs. DeSoto United 354/22/24
LE, TRUNGyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)AEFC Coed vs. Steamers FC4/2/24
LEE, BADRAyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)FC Africa vs. Rowdies FC4/25/24
LEONCE, NIYONGABOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Venezuela FC vs. Memphis Beat4/21/24
 red - Denial Of Obvious Goal-Scoring Opportunity (Handling)The Great Impact FC vs. Memphis Beat6/2/24
LHEUREUX, JAREDyellow - Persistent InfringementDragones FC vs. Joga Bonito4/21/24
LICONA, CRISTHIANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Diambars FC vs. Inter Memphis3/10/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Inter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 6/2/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Inter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 4/21/24
LO, JEANyellow - DissentInter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 4/21/24
 yellow - DissentInter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 6/2/24
LO, MOUHAMEDyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)International FC vs. Diambars FC 3/24/24
LOA, CARLOSyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Dragones FC vs. The Great Impact FC4/14/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Dragones FC vs. Joga Bonito4/21/24
LOA, CRISTOFERred - Violent ConductJustice League vs. Dragones FC3/17/24
LOHMAN, JUSTINyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)Memphis United FC vs. Showboats4/14/24
LOLLAR, ABBYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Happy FC vs. Outsiders FC5/15/24
LOPEZ, JONATHANyellow - DissentEagles FC vs. Dino FC5/2/24
LOPEZ, MILTONVenezuela FC vs. Justice League4/25/24
LOVELOCK, KYLEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Central FC vs. 901 Ummah4/28/24
LY, AUSTINyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Memphis Crew FC vs. Memphis United FC5/9/24
LY, LEREXyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Phoenix FC vs. AEFC2/29/24
MALONE, GABRIELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Waves FC vs. International FC3/3/24
MANIRAKOZE, EDIGAFORyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Arsenal FC vs. Elite FC3/10/24
 yellow - DissentCommanders FC vs. Elite FC3/3/24
MANSOUR, MOHAMMADyellow - Delaying RestartAlfursan FC vs. Loreto FC4/14/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Alfursan FC vs. Elite FC2/25/24
MARKOVIC, DALI (DALIBOR)yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Outlaws vs. Happy FC3/26/24
MARTINEZ, FREDYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Dino FC vs. Central FC3/7/24
MARTINEZ GUIJA, ALVAROShowboats vs. Memphis United FC5/30/24
MASON, EDWARDyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)CFC vs. Memphis United FC5/12/24
MATHESON, ROByellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Sarson FC vs. Nuggets5/21/24
MATTHEWS, TYSONyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)American United FC vs. The Great Impact FC2/25/24
MCADAMS, PATRICKyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis United FC vs. Memphis Crew FC3/3/24
MCCANN, DALTONyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Central FC vs. Memphis Blues5/5/24
MCMANUS, ANTHONYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)FC Africa vs. Showboats5/12/24
MEMBRENO, YELSINyellow - Persistent InfringementInter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 6/2/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartInter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 4/21/24
MENDOZA, ERICKyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Phoenix FC5/9/24
MENDOZA, HENDRICKyellow - DissentMemphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/30/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Memphis Mafia FC vs. Venezuela FC3/24/24
MENUTO, ALEJANDROyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/30/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/5/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Dragones FC2/25/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)American United FC vs. Venezuela FC3/17/24
 red - Foul or Abusive LanguageMemphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/30/24
MERRIMAN, WINSTONyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis United FC vs. Memphis Crew FC3/3/24
MEYERS, BRIANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Mongo For Mayor vs. Memphis Dynamo5/2/24
MICHAEL, CHRISTOPHERred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (Dissent)Waves FC vs. Rage FC4/14/24
 yellow - DissentWaves FC vs. Rage FC4/14/24
MICHALAK, IANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)CFC vs. Rowdies FC3/28/24
MILES, JOHN PAULyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)AEFC Coed vs. Hydra FC4/23/24
MIRANDA, MILTONMemphis Dynamo vs. Inter Memphis4/4/24
MOHAMED, NAIMyellow - Delaying Restart901 Ummah vs. Stank FC5/30/24
MOLINA, ROLANDOyellow - Persistent InfringementMemphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/30/24
MONSERRAT, JUANyellow - Delaying RestartStank FC vs. Dino FC4/18/24
MOORE, MAXWELLyellow - DissentWaves FC vs. International FC3/3/24
MORALES, ALEXyellow - DissentCommanders FC vs. Elite FC3/3/24
MORENO, CARLOSyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Central FC vs. Eagles FC4/21/24
MORENO, EDILBERTOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)MMSA vs. Memphis Dynamo3/28/24
MORRIS, JOHNOutlaws vs. Outsiders FC3/19/24
MUHARRAM, HESHAMyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)MMSA vs. Memphis Dynamo3/28/24
NATERA, RICARDO (ALEJANDRO)yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Blues vs. Central FC3/24/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Memphis Blues vs. 901 Ummah4/21/24
NAVARRO, KEVENyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Dino FC vs. Central FC3/7/24
NDENZAKO, PAULOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis United FC vs. Memphis Crew FC3/3/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Memphis Crew FC vs. FC Africa5/2/24
NEWSOM, WILLIAMyellow - DissentMongo For Mayor vs. Memphis Dynamo5/2/24
 yellow - DissentDiambars FC vs. Mongo For Mayor5/12/24
NEYMAN, JESSEyellow - Delaying RestartAmerican United FC vs. Memphis Mafia FC4/21/24
NGUYEN, JOHNyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Memphis Crew FC vs. CFC5/16/24
NGUYEN, KHANHyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)AEFC vs. Elite FC3/17/24
NGUYEN, JOHNPink Ninjas vs. Outsiders FC4/2/24
NGUYEN, JOHNyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)CFC vs. Memphis Crew FC4/21/24
NIANG, IBRAHIMyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Diambars FC vs. Inter Memphis3/10/24
NIANG, MOHAMEDyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Diambars FC vs. Memphis Dynamo5/16/24
NICOL, CAMERON (DUNCAN)yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Rowdies FC vs. Rogues3/3/24
NOFFSINGER, JASONyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Beat vs. Warriors FC4/7/24
ODACE, NIYINTUNGAyellow - Delaying RestartRogues vs. Rowdies FC5/9/24
OLIVARES, JESUSyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Commanders FC vs. Loreto FC4/21/24
ORDONEZ, ANDYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)901 Ummah vs. Eagles FC6/2/24
ORDONEZ, JOSHUAyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)Central FC vs. Eagles FC4/21/24
 red - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Other Than Listed)Central FC vs. Eagles FC4/21/24
ORDONEZ, ANDYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Central FC vs. Eagles FC4/21/24
OROZCO, AMINyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Commanders FC3/17/24
ORTIZ, MARTINyellow - DissentCentral FC vs. Eagles FC4/21/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Eagles FC vs. 901 Ummah5/23/24
OSTI, MARCOyellow - Dissent901 Ummah vs. Central FC3/10/24
PAULINO, CYLEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Phoenix FC4/21/24
PAZ, ALEXyellow - Delaying RestartJoga Bonito vs. The Great Impact FC3/24/24
 yellow - DissentThe Great Impact FC vs. Memphis Beat6/2/24
 The Great Impact FC vs. American United FC5/5/24
PELLICCIOTTI, JOHNyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Waves FC vs. Rage FC4/14/24
PENN, MICHAELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Central FC vs. Memphis Blues5/5/24
 yellow - DissentEagles FC vs. Central FC3/17/24
PEREZ, ERIKyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)American United FC vs. The Great Impact FC2/25/24
PEREZ, OSCARyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Strikers vs. Transplants FC5/8/24
PEREZ, JUANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)AEFC vs. Elite FC3/17/24
PEREZ, ERIKyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Joga Bonito vs. The Great Impact FC3/24/24
 yellow - DissentThe Great Impact FC vs. Memphis Beat6/2/24
PEREZ, OSCARyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)FC Africa vs. Showboats5/12/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)FC Africa vs. Memphis Crew FC3/24/24
PEREZ, ERIKyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)The Great Impact FC vs. Memphis Mafia FC4/7/24
PEROZO, LUISyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Beat vs. Venezuela FC5/5/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartVenezuela FC vs. Cobra Kai FC4/14/24
PEROZO, MIGUELANGELyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)American United FC vs. Venezuela FC3/17/24
 red - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Justice League4/25/24
PHANN, VIBOLred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)The Great Impact FC vs. Memphis Beat6/2/24
PIRELA, ALEJANDROThe Great Impact FC vs. American United FC5/5/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Cobra Kai FC vs. American United FC5/9/24
PORTER, KARTERyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)FC Africa vs. CFC3/3/24
PORTER, CHRISyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Sarson FC vs. Transplants FC4/16/24
POWELL, DOUGyellow - Delaying RestartMemphis Beat vs. American United FC3/3/24
PRIETO, JULIOyellow - DissentMemphis Blues vs. Central FC3/24/24
PULIDO, RENEred - Violent ConductRage FC vs. International FC4/7/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Rage FC vs. Memphis Dynamo2/29/24
PULIDO, RENEred - Denial Of Obvious Goal-Scoring Opportunity (Infringement)East End FC vs. Pink Ninjas4/30/24
QUINO, MATEOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)FC Africa vs. Showboats5/12/24
RAMIREZ, ISAULyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Memphis Beat4/21/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartVenezuela FC vs. Dragones FC2/25/24
RAMIREZ, JUANyellow - DissentEagles FC vs. Dino FC5/2/24
RAMIREZ, ISAULyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Mafia FC vs. Venezuela FC3/24/24
RAMOS, EDERyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Blues vs. Eagles FC4/14/24
RAMOS, JONYyellow - DissentMemphis Dynamo vs. International FC3/21/24
 yellow - DissentDiambars FC vs. Memphis Dynamo5/16/24
RAMOS, DOMINICyellow - DissentCentral FC vs. Eagles FC4/21/24
 yellow - DissentEagles FC vs. Dino FC5/2/24
RAMOS, EDUARDOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Diambars FC vs. Rage FC5/5/24
RAMOS, DELMERyellow - DissentMemphis Dynamo vs. International FC3/21/24
RAMOS, SIMONyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Stank FC vs. Eagles FC4/28/24
RAMOS, JONYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Rage FC vs. Memphis Dynamo2/29/24
RAMOS, EDERred - Violent ConductStank FC vs. Eagles FC4/28/24
REINKE, PAULyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Cobra Kai FC4/14/24
RESENDIZ, ALEXISyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Rowdies FC vs. Showboats5/5/24
REVEROL, ENDERyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Venezuela FC vs. Memphis Beat4/21/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartVenezuela FC vs. Cobra Kai FC4/14/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)American United FC vs. Venezuela FC3/17/24
 yellow - DissentMemphis Mafia FC vs. Venezuela FC3/24/24
REYES, ADONISCommanders FC vs. Arsenal FC4/28/24
RICHTER, COREYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Joga Bonito vs. The Great Impact FC3/24/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Joga Bonito vs. Memphis Mafia FC2/25/24
RIOS, JUAN CARLOSyellow - DissentDiambars FC vs. Rage FC5/5/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Deliberately Handling The Ball)Rage FC vs. Inter Memphis3/17/24
RIVERA, ALINyellow - DissentMemphis Dynamo vs. Rage FC4/25/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartRage FC vs. Memphis Dynamo2/29/24
 yellow - DissentMemphis Dynamo vs. International FC3/21/24
ROBERTS, CHRISTIANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Blues vs. Stank FC3/3/24
RODRIGUEZ, MANUELyellow - DissentCommanders FC vs. Elite FC3/3/24
RODRIGUEZ, BRANDONyellow - DissentEagles FC vs. Dino FC5/2/24
RODRIGUEZ, BRAULIOred - Denial Of Obvious Goal-Scoring Opportunity (Infringement)Central FC vs. Eagles FC4/21/24
RODRIGUEZ, BRANDONyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Dino FC vs. Eagles FC3/28/24
RODRIGUEZ, MANUELred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (Leaving Field Without Permission)Commanders FC vs. Elite FC3/3/24
RODRIGUEZ MERAZ, CHRISTIANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Jello Shots vs. Memphis Strikers5/15/24
RONE, IANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Jello Shots vs. Sarson FC5/8/24
ROSAS, JESUSyellow - DissentEagles FC vs. Dino FC5/2/24
ROSS, ANDYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Jello Shots vs. Memphis Strikers5/15/24
ROSS, ANDYred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)CFC vs. Showboats4/28/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)CFC vs. Showboats4/28/24
RUCKER, GRANTyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Phoenix FC5/9/24
RUNNELS, RYANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)AEFC vs. Elite FC3/17/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Phoenix FC vs. Elite FC3/28/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Elite FC vs. Commanders FC5/5/24
SAFI, YUSUFMMSA vs. Waves FC4/28/24
SALAH, QSAYyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)901 Ummah vs. Dino FC2/29/24
SANCHEZ, WILFREDOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)American United FC vs. Memphis Mafia FC4/21/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Cobra Kai FC vs. American United FC5/9/24
SANTAMARIA, REFUGIOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)The Great Impact FC vs. Memphis Mafia FC4/7/24
SARRIO, JOSEPHyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Waves FC vs. MMSA2/25/24
SARRIO, ADAMyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Waves FC vs. International FC3/3/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Waves FC vs. MMSA2/25/24
SCHILLER, IANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Transplants FC vs. Sarson FC5/28/24
SCHILLER, IANyellow - Persistent InfringementRowdies FC vs. Showboats5/5/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)FC Africa vs. Rowdies FC4/25/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Rowdies FC vs. Rogues3/3/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Rogues vs. Rowdies FC5/9/24
SCOTT, BRADENred - Violent ConductStank FC vs. Eagles FC4/28/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Blues vs. Stank FC3/3/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Stank FC vs. Central FC4/14/24
SCOTT, ROBERTyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Sarson FC vs. Transplants FC4/16/24
SCOTT, BRADENyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Stank FC vs. Dino FC4/18/24
SEDGWICK, DYLANyellow - Delaying RestartMongo For Mayor vs. Memphis Dynamo5/2/24
SENATORE, SIENAyellow - DissentSarson FC vs. Nuggets5/21/24
SHELTON, JACKSONyellow - Delaying RestartInter Memphis vs. International FC5/30/24
SHOAIB, SULAIMANyellow - Delaying RestartWaves FC vs. Rage FC4/14/24
SIEB, KEVINyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Justice League4/25/24
SIGLER, SHAWNyellow - DissentSteamers FC vs. Castoffs FC3/5/24
SMITH, SPENCERred - Foul or Abusive LanguageEagles FC vs. Central FC3/17/24
SMITH, TREY (JULIAN)yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Outlaws vs. East End FC4/2/24
 yellow - DissentOutlaws vs. Justice League5/28/24
SMITH, TREY (JULIAN)yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)901 Ummah vs. Stank FC5/30/24
SOIMIS, CHANCEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Commanders FC6/2/24
SOMUAH KWAKYE, VINCENTred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (Delaying Restart)Inter Memphis vs. International FC4/28/24
 yellow - DissentInter Memphis vs. International FC4/28/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Inter Memphis vs. International FC5/30/24
SORIANO, ROGELIOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Alfursan FC vs. Arsenal FC5/5/24
SPENCER, TIMOTHYyellow - DissentRovers FC vs. Steamers FC4/24/24
STAURSKY, DIMITRIOSyellow - DissentRowdies FC vs. FC Africa2/29/24
STRICKLAND, ALEXyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Blues vs. Central FC3/24/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Stank FC vs. Central FC4/14/24
 yellow - DissentDino FC vs. Central FC3/7/24
 Central FC vs. Eagles FC5/30/24
SUAREZ, LAZAROyellow - Delaying RestartEagles FC vs. Dino FC5/2/24
SUAREZ, BRYANyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Dragones FC2/25/24
TAHA, MOHAMMADyellow - DissentInternational FC vs. MMSA4/14/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Waves FC vs. MMSA2/25/24
TAPE MAMBO, STEVENyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Deliberately Handling The Ball)Inter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 4/21/24
THIAM, MBAYEyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Diambars FC vs. Mongo For Mayor5/12/24
THOMAS, IANyellow - Delaying RestartCFC vs. Memphis Crew FC4/21/24
THOMAS, KALEBMemphis Strikers vs. Transplants FC5/8/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Transplants FC vs. Memphis Strikers4/2/24
THOMPSON, TANNERyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Memphis Crew FC vs. Memphis United FC5/9/24
TIU, EDUARDOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Elite FC vs. Alfursan FC4/28/24
TORRES, ABRAHAMyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)MMSA vs. Memphis Dynamo3/28/24
TOURE, IBRAHIMAyellow - DissentArsenal FC vs. Elite FC3/10/24
TOURE, ABDOUyellow - Delaying RestartDiambars FC vs. Mongo For Mayor5/12/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartWaves FC vs. Diambars FC 5/23/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Inter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 4/21/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartInternational FC vs. Diambars FC 3/24/24
TOURE, NDIAWyellow - DissentInter Memphis vs. Diambars FC 4/21/24
TOURE, IBRAHIMAyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)AEFC vs. Elite FC3/17/24
TROMPIZ, ENGELBERTHyellow - Delaying RestartVenezuela FC vs. Cobra Kai FC4/14/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)American United FC vs. Venezuela FC3/17/24
TRUJILLO, ERICyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Happy FC vs. Pink Ninjas5/7/24
TRUJILLO, ESAULyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Justice League Coed vs. Happy FC4/3/24
TRUJILLO, ERICyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Justice League4/25/24
TRUJILLO, DIEGOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Justice League Coed vs. Happy FC4/3/24
TRUJILLO, ERICyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Justice League Coed vs. Happy FC4/3/24
TRUJILLO, YANIKyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Happy FC vs. Pink Ninjas5/7/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)Justice League Coed vs. Happy FC6/4/24
VALENZUELA, DIEGOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Alfursan FC vs. Phoenix FC4/21/24
 Phoenix FC vs. Elite FC3/28/24
VALLONE, MATTEOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)FCAR U72 vs. South American Blues4/22/24
VANEGAS, ARMANDOyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Venezuela FC vs. Justice League4/25/24
 yellow - Delaying RestartVenezuela FC vs. Memphis Beat4/21/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Tactical Foul Impeding Attack)American United FC vs. Venezuela FC3/17/24
VANHELDER, MIKEyellow - DissentRovers FC vs. Castoffs FC5/28/24
VARELA NUNEZ, GIOVANNYyellow - Persistent InfringementCFC vs. Rowdies FC3/28/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Showboats vs. CFC2/25/24
VASQUEZ, JOSEred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Reckless Tackle)Loreto FC vs. Phoenix FC5/9/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other Reckless Penal Foul)Alfursan FC vs. Loreto FC4/14/24
 yellow - DissentCommanders FC vs. Loreto FC4/21/24
VELIZ, ELMERCommanders FC vs. Arsenal FC4/28/24
 yellow - DissentBooyas FC vs. Arsenal FC3/17/24
VILLARREAL, ANTONIOyellow - Persistent InfringementMongo For Mayor vs. International FC3/10/24
VO, SAMANTHARovers FC vs. AEFC Coed2/28/24
WADE, MICHAELyellow - DissentRovers FC vs. OG FC5/1/24
WANG, WENMINGyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)VFC Spurs vs. FCAR U725/13/24
WHALEN, CARSONyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Jello Shots vs. Memphis Strikers5/15/24
WIECKOWSKI, MARTINMongo For Mayor vs. Rage FC3/24/24
WIGGS, TAYLORyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Outlaws vs. Justice League Coed3/5/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Justice League Coed vs. Happy FC4/3/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Justice League Coed vs. Happy FC6/4/24
WIGGS, TAYLORyellow - DissentLoreto FC vs. Phoenix FC5/9/24
WIGGS, TAYLORred - 2nd Cautionable Offense (USB: Taunting/Inflammatory Behavior)Justice League Coed vs. Happy FC4/3/24
WILCOX, TAYLORyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Dino FC vs. Central FC3/7/24
 yellow - DissentCentral FC vs. Eagles FC5/30/24
WILKES, AIDENThe Great Impact FC vs. American United FC5/5/24
WINSTON, STEPHENyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Hydra FC vs. OG FC4/2/24
ZAGHLOUL, ZAIDyellow - Persistent InfringementAEFC vs. Alfursan FC3/10/24
 yellow - Unsporting Behavior (Other than listed above)Alfursan FC vs. Elite FC2/25/24
ZECHARIAH, JOHNred - Foul or Abusive LanguageJustice League vs. American United FC4/7/24
ZELAYA, LUISyellow - Unsporting Behavior (Reckless Tackle)Dino FC vs. Central FC3/7/24
 yellow - DissentEagles FC vs. Dino FC5/2/24
Men's Premier Division
Team Played Wins Losses Draws Scored Allowed Goal +/- Power Rating* Points**
Showboats 12 9 2 1 35 23 12 2.33 28
FC Africa 12 6 5 1 33 18 15 1.58 19
Rogues 10 4 6 0 23 28 -5 1.2 12
Rowdies FC 10 2 7 1 12 29 -17 0.7 7
CFC 10 2 8 0 15 33 -18 0.6 6
Memphis Crew FC 11 8 3 0 30 20 10 2.18 24
Memphis United FC 11 5 5 1 23 20 3 1.45 16
Men's Division 1
Team Played Wins Losses Draws Scored Allowed Goal +/- Power Rating* Points**
901 Ummah 12 7 4 1 32 28 4 1.83 22
Central FC 11 6 3 2 41 29 12 1.82 20
Memphis Blues 10 4 5 1 19 25 -6 1.3 13
Eagles FC 12 7 3 2 31 21 10 1.92 23
Stank FC 11 3 7 1 26 35 -9 0.91 10
Dino FC 10 2 7 1 26 37 -11 0.7 7
Men's Division 2
Team Played Wins Losses Draws Scored Allowed Goal +/- Power Rating* Points**
Memphis Beat 12 9 2 1 52 25 27 2.33 28
The Great Impact FC 12 8 3 1 36 26 10 2.08 25
Cobra Kai FC 11 6 4 1 27 28 -1 1.73 19
Joga Bonito 10 4 4 2 30 29 1 1.4 14
Memphis Mafia FC 10 4 4 2 14 20 -6 1.4 14
Warriors FC 10 2 6 2 18 32 -14 0.8 8
Justice League 11 6 4 1 30 21 9 1.73 19
Venezuela FC 11 5 5 1 23 22 1 1.45 16
Dragones FC 10 0 10 0 5 30 -25 0 0
American United FC 10 4 5 1 18 19 -1 1.3 13
Men's Division 3
Team Played Wins Losses Draws Scored Allowed Goal +/- Power Rating* Points**
Inter Memphis 12 8 1 3 32 14 18 2.25 27
Memphis Dynamo 11 7 2 2 24 16 8 2.09 23
International FC 11 5 3 3 34 15 19 1.64 18
Diambars FC 12 5 5 2 25 22 3 1.42 17
Mongo For Mayor 10 4 6 0 15 26 -11 1.2 12
MMSA 10 3 6 1 23 35 -12 1 10
Waves FC 10 2 8 0 15 32 -17 0.6 6
Rage FC 10 3 6 1 18 26 -8 1 10
Men's Division 4
Team Played Wins Losses Draws Scored Allowed Goal +/- Power Rating* Points**
Booyas FC 11 9 1 1 47 13 34 2.55 28
Alfursan FC 11 8 2 1 49 26 23 2.27 25
Loreto FC 12 6 6 0 45 37 8 1.5 18
Commanders FC 12 9 3 0 36 28 8 2.25 27
Phoenix FC 10 2 6 2 15 26 -11 0.8 8
AEFC 10 1 9 0 9 47 -38 0.3 3
Elite FC 10 2 7 1 15 24 -9 0.7 7
Arsenal FC 10 3 6 1 21 36 -15 1 10
Coed Division 1
Team Played Wins Losses Draws Scored Allowed Goal +/- Power Rating* Points**
Transplants FC 12 8 1 3 53 24 29 2.25 27
Sarson FC 11 4 5 2 28 40 -12 1.27 14
Nuggets 12 8 2 2 48 23 25 2.17 26
Memphis Strikers 11 2 8 1 22 46 -24 0.64 7
Jello Shots 10 1 7 2 18 36 -18 0.5 5
Coed Division 2
Team Played Wins Losses Draws Scored Allowed Goal +/- Power Rating* Points**
Outlaws 11 7 3 1 37 25 12 2 22
Pink Ninjas 11 5 4 2 24 22 2 1.55 17
Justice League Coed 11 6 3 2 18 12 6 1.82 20
Happy FC 12 7 3 2 30 19 11 1.92 23
Outsiders FC 10 2 6 2 19 28 -9 0.8 8
East End FC 10 0 9 1 11 34 -23 0.1 1
Coed Division 3
Team Played Wins Losses Draws Scored Allowed Goal +/- Power Rating* Points**
Steamers FC 10 4 4 2 18 17 1 1.4 14
OG FC 12 8 1 3 42 16 26 2.25 27
Hydra FC 11 4 5 2 29 29 0 1.27 14
AEFC Coed 10 1 9 0 10 42 -32 0.3 3
Rovers FC 12 8 3 1 38 22 16 2.08 25
Castoffs FC 11 3 6 2 16 27 -11 1 11
Legends Over 35 Division 1
Team Played Wins Losses Draws Scored Allowed Goal +/- Power Rating* Points**
FCAR U72 10 8 2 0 50 25 25 2.4 24
Business Casual AC 10 5 3 2 42 35 7 1.7 17
VFC Spurs 10 8 1 1 52 19 33 2.5 25
DeSoto United 35 10 3 6 1 35 49 -14 1 10
South American Blues 10 2 7 1 35 46 -11 0.7 7
AEFC 35 10 1 8 1 21 61 -40 0.4 4
Legends Over 35 Division 2
Team Played Wins Losses Draws Scored Allowed Goal +/- Power Rating* Points**
Arsenal 35 10 9 1 0 75 14 61 2.7 27
Tekilas FC 10 7 3 0 43 30 13 2.1 21
Rage 35 10 6 4 0 35 44 -9 1.8 18
VFC 35 10 2 7 1 21 47 -26 0.7 7
Mexiclan FC 10 5 4 1 32 38 -6 1.6 16
Blue Devils 10 0 10 0 0 33 -33 0 0