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The registration deadline for Fall 2020 is 11:59 pm on Friday, September 4.

There will be no extensions and no grace periods. I've copied below the screen-shots I used last year...the only difference is that references to Spring 2019 are now, of course, Fall 2020.

EVERY PLAYER needs a separate registration under a separate account.

First Screen

Be sure the "Fall 2020" option is showing in the "Select A Season" drop-down box, and also make sure the "Player Registration" button is checked.

If you have an existing account from previous season(s) and/or from the RIBS tournament, you can sign in under those credentials.  Some of you will probably need to create a new account...just click the blue button at the bottom of the screen.

Second Screen

This is where you will enter your name, birthday, address, etc, and create a username/password for later use, if you have not registered previously with Affinity.  (Please note that passwords must be at least seven, but no more than eight, characters.)  If you already have an account, this information will auto-populate from what you entered previously.  Please make any changes that are necessary.

Then click the green "Save & Continue" button.



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