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First, click the photo icon to upload your photo.  (IMPORTANT:  Please upload JUST a photo.  The loading feature indicates you can also load a drivers license, but please upload JUST a stand-alone photo.)

Do NOT upload your entire drivers license, or the photo from your license.  Use an actual PHOTO

Take a selfie with your phone,
or otherwise use another photo of yourself.  Because of the watermarks on drivers licenses, those photos look blurry/fuzzy...please do NOT use your driver's license, even though it will give you that option.)  A photo is MANDATORY for each player.

A more detailed set of instructions for loading/cropping photos is available here, as provided by the state office.

In the end, your photo should look something like the example below.  (If you are loading a new photo, it won't have your name embedded on the photo as the example is, but that's okay...we did that when we edited photos ourselves.)  Once the photo is in there, you won't need to load it should stay in your account until you replace it with a new one.

After you load your photo, scroll down and fill in your shirt size and other information as you go. 

Toward the bottom, you will see the drop-down menu to select which teams you're playing for.  Select the appropriate teams.  If you are not playing in a particular division, select "I'm not playing in this division."

After loading your photo and filling in the correct information, click the green "Save" button:



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