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More recent videos coming soon.  If you have any videos from your recent games to add to our collections, please email them to us at:  (If larger than 10MB, please contact me at the same email address, and arrange to pick up a CD.)  Please include a description of the video (date, teams/player involved, etc.)

Summary: (MPG Format, 160 x 120 - approximately 4 MB, 25 seconds)

Jason Haluska (Flyers) scores first goal in the Challenge Cup Final
Jeremy Simmons hammers home the Flyers third goal
Ross Phillips saves a shot from Town midfielder Mark Harriman
Ross Phillips makes another save from the head of Town forward Alan Howard

Summary:  (MPG Format, 160 x 120 - approximately 2.4 MB, 35 seconds)

Brian Carper beats United keeper Marty Field on a penalty kick.
Brian Carper scores again from a perfect service from Brian Reddin.
Ricky Rives chips Flyers keeper Ross Phillips to score United's first.
Shaun Gilman rises above the defense to put home a corner kick.




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