GMSA Rules Of Competition

Updated January 2022 - Download PDF Version

A. All players are required by USSF to wear shin guards at all times. If a player is identified on the field without wearing shinguards, that player must leave the field (without substitution) until proper shinguards are procured.

B. All teams MUST have MATCHING JERSEYS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Each player must have his own unique jersey (i.e., two players swapping the same jersey during a match is not allowed.) Jerseys need not be expensive or detailed in nature (simple short-sleeve T-shirts with numbers are perfectly acceptable), but must be INDENTICAL in every way (same color, model, manufacturer, etc.).  Remember that this applies to EVERY player, even players who are ADDED during the season. It is recommended by GMSA for teams to purchase a few extra jerseys at the beginning of each season to ensure that each team has enough jerseys to accommodate all players throughout the year. Be sure to check with the league before purchasing new jerseys to help determine the best color selection, so as to avoid conflicts with the jersey colors of other teams, and thus minimize the need for alternate jerseys. The league may also be able to help you in the selection of new jerseys.

C. Each jersey must have a UNIQUE NUMBER that is permanently affixed to the shirt…taped-on or sharpied-on numbers are NOT acceptable. The goalkeeper is the only player who MAY participate in a match without having a number permanently affixed to his jersey. If the goalkeeper's jersey is unnumbered, he shall be designated by his regular field-player jersey number on the team roster, along with the abbreviation "GK"...for example, if #21 is playing in goal, he must be designated as "21-GK" on the match report. If another player becomes the goalkeeper during the match, the notation of "GK" must be made on the roster next to that player's jersey number.

D. If there is a conflict with jersey colors, the HOME TEAM is required to change to an alternate jersey color. Each team's alternate jerseys MUST meet the same requirements as their primary jerseys (same style and color, with numbers). Shirts that are "close" to the same color, or shirts without numbers, are NOT acceptable. GMSA does have a couple of "loaner" sets of jerseys that are available, but it is the obligation of the coach to coordinate arrangements for their use at least one week in advance of when they are needed. Note: Both teams should wear the jersey color that they are scheduled to wear, according to the schedule for that match. Should the visiting team wear a color other than that for which they are scheduled, they shall be held responsible for any resulting conflict; should the visiting team be unable to change to their scheduled color, they will forfeit the match.

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PO Box 382577
Germantown, TN  38183

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